Tangledeep Wiki
Tangledeep Wiki

Tangledeep offers a variety of weapons sorted into weapon classes, each with their own perks. Weapons classes also utilize mastery skills, differentiating them further.

Weapons upgraded through the Dreamcaster receive bonus weapon power.
All weapon affixes


Daggers are one-handed melee weapons with damage based on Guile and Strength. When attacking the same enemy multiple times in a row, their damage increases up to a cap of +50% against a single target. Their Critical effect grants you an instant +35 Charge Time (CT) toward your next Free Turn.

Brigand's Shank

Brigand's Shank

Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
Damage based on Guile, Strength; Deals extra damage with consecutive hits on same target
On crit: Gain 50 CT

I don't like hurting people who don't deserve it, but too many people think they can take advantage of me. They can't.



Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 145 (Dagger)
Damage based on Guile, Strength; Deals extra damage with consecutive hits on same target
On crit: Gain 50 CT

I can't pretend like I won't ever end up in close quarters with some slobbering beast. This is exactly what I need.



Item Rank: 3 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 172 (Dagger)
Damage based on Guile, Strength; Deals extra damage with consecutive hits on same target
On crit: Gain 50 CT

This is a cruel weapon, though I suppose ending a fight quickly is a kindness all its own.

Bone Dagger

Bone Dagger

Item Rank: 4 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 185 (Dagger)
Damage based on Guile, Strength; Deals extra damage with consecutive hits on same target
On crit: Gain 50 CT

+5 CT per attack

I got chills the first time I picked this up. Looks like it was carved out of a femur, but some subtle dark magic keeps the edge sharp and not brittle.



Item Rank: 5 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 197 (Dagger)
Damage based on Guile, Strength; Deals extra damage with consecutive hits on same target
On crit: Gain 50 CT

Hmmm, I'll have to change my grip a little, but that'll make my strikes so much faster!

Obsidian Dagger

Obsidian Dagger

Item Rank: 7 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 228 (Dagger)
Damage based on Guile, Strength; Deals extra damage with consecutive hits on same target
On crit: Gain 50 CT

Is this dark glass? How is it not chipping and breaking everywhere? I could shank this through a solid oak, what is it made of?

Phoenix Fang

Phoenix Fang

Item Rank: 9 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 262 (Dagger)
Damage based on Guile, Strength; Deals extra damage with consecutive hits on same target
On crit: Gain 50 CT

Beautiful and terrible. That crimson edge is so sharp I might cut myself just looking at it. This was made for murder.


Swords are typically one-handed melee weapons with average damage, though there are rare two-handed variants. They offer a flat 3% bonus to Parry, and will automatically counter-attack enemies after parrying. Their Critical effect raises your parry chance to 100% for the next attack.



Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 130 (Sword)
Parry chance up; riposte after parrying
On crit: Parry next attack

This weapon is proof of my completed training. It is an extension of my body and nothing more, together we can do anything!



Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 170 (Sword)
Parry chance up; riposte after parrying
On crit: Parry next attack

I know it's a training weapon, but it's still a whole bunch of sharp and pointy metal. I'll make it work.



Item Rank: 3 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 197 (Sword)
Parry chance up; riposte after parrying
On crit: Parry next attack

Is a curved sword really better than a straight one? It's really sharp, I know that helps.



Item Rank: 4 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 210 (Sword)
Parry chance up; riposte after parrying
On crit: Parry next attack

+3% crit chance, +15% crit damage

This sword is even curvier than the last one! How round do they get?



Item Rank: 5 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 227 (Sword)
Parry chance up; riposte after parrying
On crit: Parry next attack

A proper sword, finally. Never could afford one of these back home, but I suppose now I've earned it.

Orichalcum Sword

Orichalcum Sword

Item Rank: 6 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 250 (Sword)
Parry chance up; riposte after parrying
On crit: Parry next attack

+18% Spirit Power

This metal is so bright! I can feel its power behind every swing, I really made the right choice here.

Crystal Blade

Crystal Blade

Item Rank: 7 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 262 (Sword)
Parry chance up; riposte after parrying
On crit: Parry next attack

How... wh... huh? This sword is incredible, but -- who can shape crystal like this? How does it keep an edge?

Falcon Edge

Falcon Edge

Item Rank: 9 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 300 (Sword)
Parry chance up; riposte after parrying
On crit: Parry next attack

There's gold woven into both crystal and metal, there must be some energy inside keeping it impossibly sharp.

Great Swords (2-handed)[]

These are swords that are wielded with 2 hands. You cannot use any offhand gear, but these swords let you have 8 blue mods added to them instead of the usual max of 5. Great Swords are currently the strongest weapon type in terms of raw power. They use the same innate bonuses of normal swords so refer to the info above.

Wooden Claymore

Wooden Claymore

Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 176 (Sword)
Parry chance up; riposte after parrying
On crit: Parry next attack

It barely slashes at all, but with enough power behind it I can still bring the pain.

Iron Claymore

Iron Claymore

Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 207 (Sword)
Parry chance up; riposte after parrying
On crit: Parry next attack

No way I can carry a sword like this with just one hand. But if the blade gets dull, I can still use it for bashing!



Item Rank: 3 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 243 (Sword)
Parry chance up; riposte after parrying
On crit: Parry next attack

As they say, "live by the sword, dine by the sword". At least I think that's how it went.



Item Rank: 5 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 285 (Sword)
Parry chance up; riposte after parrying
On crit: Parry next attack

I wonder how many good swords the blacksmith made before he felt comfident enough to call this one great.



Item Rank: 7 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 330 (Sword)
Parry chance up; riposte after parrying
On crit: Parry next attack

What an enormous curve! I wonder if I'll ever find one that makes a full circle.

Colossus Sword

Colossus Sword

Item Rank: 9 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 350 (Sword)
Parry chance up; riposte after parrying
On crit: Parry next attack

I swear I can hear voices singing some kind of ancient warsong as I hold this sword. And when I join that mighty chorus, I can feel them adding their strength to mine.


Axes are typically one-handed melee weapons with average damage, though there are rare two-handed variants. They attack all enemies surrounding your character simultaneously. Their Critical effect adds a -25% defense debuff to the target, which is consumed next time they take damage.

Pocket Axe

Pocket Axe

Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
Hits all adjacent enemies
On crit: Break defense

People always expect me to have a boot knife, but then I surprise 'em with this Pocket Axe! They never see it coming.



Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
Hits all adjacent enemies
On crit: Break defense

I would blister myself every season chopping firewood with one of these. Worth it though, roasting desserts over the fire was my favorite tradition.

Battle Axe

Battle Axe

Item Rank: 3 Rarity: Common
Hits all adjacent enemies
On crit: Break defense

Clearly made by someone who valued their personal space. I can just spin around yelling and this beast would still do great work.

Sharktooth Cleaver

Sharktooth Cleaver

Item Rank: 4 Rarity: Common
Hits all adjacent enemies
On crit: Break defense
Accuracy reduced by 20%

All the nasty teeth on this thing, it's like a nightmare. The shape makes it swing wide, but when I hit I know it will hurt.



Item Rank: 5 Rarity: Common
Hits all adjacent enemies
On crit: Break defense

With this brutal masterpiece, I can stand alone against any number of foes. No going back now.

Bloody Axe

Bloody Axe

Item Rank: 7 Rarity: Common
Hits all adjacent enemies
On crit: Break defense

I still don't like blood, but I understand now that I have a job to do. If there must be blood, I don't want it to be mine.

Magma Cleaver

Magma Cleaver

Item Rank: 9 Rarity: Common
Hits all adjacent enemies
On crit: Break defense

How does this metal continue to glow, forge-hot? Metal, wood, stone, it all gives way like water. Incredible.


Maces are 1-handed melee weapons with above-average damage and comes with a chance to stun enemies. They will crush 10% of the enemy's current HP in addition to the attack upon a critical hit.

Blunt Training Sword

Blunt Training Sword

Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 150 (Mace)
Chance to stun your target
On crit: Crush %HP damage

I've beaten this thing so much during my training, but I am loyal to it. I do not need flashy gear, only my faith.

Weights and Measures

Weights and Measures

Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 160 (Mace)
Chance to stun your target
On crit: Crush %HP damage

I have this book memorized, backwards and inside out. So why carry it? Because it's heavy and sometimes I need to smack monsters down.



Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 175 (Mace)
Chance to stun your target
On crit: Crush %HP damage

I don't care that it's inelegant, it's what I need to deliver my strength against those who'd hurt me. For now, I'll take the direct approach.



Item Rank: 3 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 202 (Mace)
Chance to stun your target
On crit: Crush %HP damage

This is a warrior's tool, and this is a fight. I'll break what I need to: armor, shells, even heads. I do what I have to.



Item Rank: 5 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 233 (Mace)
Chance to stun your target
On crit: Crush %HP damage

What a classic! Knights, Crusaders, Priests of old, this is how they settled arguments. It'll take me far.



Item Rank: 7 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 268 (Mace)
Chance to stun your target
On crit: Crush %HP damage

Swinging this around is exhausting! I can only imagine what sort of battles were won by this massive sledge of iron and steel. I'll win even more!

Titanium Sledge

Titanium Sledge

Item Rank: 9 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 307 (Mace)
Chance to stun your target
On crit: Crush %HP damage

The balance here is incredible. The head is boulder-heavy, but it's so much easier to swing, and it stops for nothing once I get it moving.

Polearms / Spears[]

Polearms / Spears are typically 1-handed weapons with a long shaft and can hit enemies 2 squares away unlike melee standard 1 square range. The 2-square ranged attack will only do 66% of the damage, but it will do full 100% in melee. These weapons are capable of rooting the enemy for a turn when critically hitting.

Training Spear

Training Spear

Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 147 (Spear)
On crit: Root your target
Range: 2

I've had a few teachers, but none of them really understood the synergy I have with my Crystal. The grace and precision of this spear is a perfect fit.



Item Rank: 2 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 160 (Spear)
On crit: Root your target
Range: 2

This is probably made for throwing, but I'm not sure the monsters are in to playing fetch.



Item Rank: 3 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 187 (Spear)
On crit: Root your target
Range: 2

These polearms are tricky but I'm getting better all the time. I'm beginning to understand the ways grace and violence intertwine.



Item Rank: 5 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 216 (Spear)
On crit: Root your target
Range: 2

This is some dense, serious metal work, but it never takes me off balance. Wicked blade too.



Item Rank: 7 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 248 (Spear)
On crit: Root your target
Range: 2

If I hadn't been practicing, I'd be lost trying to wield this monster. But I know how to use the weight and whirling force now, and it is devastating.



Item Rank: 9 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 285 (Spear)
On crit: Root your target
Range: 2

Just like those old stories about the River-Queen!


Staves are 1-handed weapons that are generally paired with Books. Hilariously, you can Dual-Wield Staves. However, you will get all of the penalties but no second attack. Pairing a Staff with a melee weapon will result in an attack with the Staff and off-hand weapon at melee range. You cannot Parry with a Staff.

Spark Staff

Spark Staff

Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 120 (Staff)
Damage based on Spirit and Discipline
Range: 3 (Projectile)

I shaped this out of four branches from the first tree I was able to commune with. I'll never forget my Patron Oak, and I won't let him down.

Apprentice's Staff

Apprentice's Staff

Item Rank: 2 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 170 (Staff)
Damage based on Spirit and Discipline
Range: 3 (Projectile)

A perfect way to learn to focus Flow at the start of training. Doesn't project very far, which made lots of sense when I was a green student. Safety first!

Wizard Staff

Wizard Staff

Item Rank: 3 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 185 (Staff)
Damage based on Spirit and Discipline
Range: 3 (Projectile)

I'd always wanted to get my hands on one of these. No artificial limiters on Flow output, just my own ability to keep it under control.

Petrified Branch

Petrified Branch

Item Rank: 5 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 210 (Staff)
Damage based on Spirit and Discipline
Range: 3 (Projectile)

I can feel the power here as soon as I pick it up, but... this is just some wood. Old wood, sure, but it just fell off a tree and died. Is that all it takes?

Archmage Rod

Archmage Rod

Item Rank: 7 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 243 (Staff)
Damage based on Spirit and Discipline
Range: 3 (Projectile)

This is real wizardry in action! The Flow woven into it helps channel energy with new purity, but it requires a lot of focus to keep it together. I'm up to the task!

Flow Condenser

Flow Condenser

Item Rank: 9 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 280 (Staff)
Damage based on Spirit and Discipline
Range: 3 (Projectile)

Wooooow ok yeah this is some real power. Incredible, it's like there's three of me casting at once. I'll figure out how it works when I'm not surrounded by monsters.


Claws are 1-handed weapons that are specifically meant to be dual-wielded. Claws deal more damage based on HP you've just lost. When they critically hit, they heal you for 5% of your max HP (vs non-Trivial enemies).

Crude Claws

Crude Claws

Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 125 (Claw)
Deals extra damage based on HP lost recently; dual-wield bonus
On crit: Gain 5% max HP (vs non-Trivial enemies)

Is this what they mean when they say to fight tooth and nail? I'll be in trouble if I don't find some sharper teeth and nails soon.



Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 145 (Claw)
Deals extra damage based on HP lost recently; dual-wield bonus
On crit: Gain 5% max HP (vs non-Trivial enemies)

Holding this just makes me want to shout: "I'm gonna punch your lights out! With a sword! In your face!"

Iron Claws

Iron Claws

Item Rank: 3 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 172 (Claw)
Deals extra damage based on HP lost recently; dual-wield bonus
On crit: Gain 5% max HP (vs non-Trivial enemies)

It's like holding three knives in one hand! I feel like a real wild beast when I'm slashing with these.

Bladed Cestus

Bladed Cestus

Item Rank: 5 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 197 (Claw)
Deals extra damage based on HP lost recently; dual-wield bonus
On crit: Gain 5% max HP (vs non-Trivial enemies)

Curved blades really do come in all shapes and sizes. What will they think of next?

Scimitar Claws

Scimitar Claws

Item Rank: 7 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 228 (Claw)
Deals extra damage based on HP lost recently; dual-wield bonus
On crit: Gain 5% max HP (vs non-Trivial enemies)

Now that's sharp! In the hands of someone less experienced, they would be just as much a danger to themselves as the monsters.

Demon Scissors

Demon Scissors

Item Rank: 9 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 262 (Claw)
Deals extra damage based on HP lost recently; dual-wield bonus
On crit: Gain 5% max HP (vs non-Trivial enemies)

This is it. I can't imagine any claws sharper or deadlier than these. Feral beasts of Tangledeep, bow before your new queen!


Bows are 2-handed weapons that are generally paired with Quivers.

  • Bows generally have a range of 4 tiles
  • Firing a Bow at melee range is penalized unless you are a Hunter
  • You cannot Parry while holding a Bow
Hunter's Bow

Hunter's Bow

Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
Damage based on Swiftness
Range: 4 (Projectile)

I trust this bow more than anything. It's not the strongest, and it'll have to retire soon enough, but it will always be family.



Item Rank: 2 Rarity: Common
Damage based on Swiftness
Range: 4 (Projectile)

These bows are so dependable. Fine oak, just the right amount of bend and give, how can you miss? I blame the wind.



Item Rank: 3 Rarity: Common
Damage based on Swiftness
Range: 4 (Projectile)

This thing's almost as tall as I am! It certainly packs a punch though.

Silver Bow

Silver Bow

Item Rank: 5 Rarity: Common
Damage based on Swiftness
Range: 4 (Projectile)

I see... it's actually steel woven into the grain of the wood. That's brilliant! I can get so much power out of each shot.

Verdant Bow

Verdant Bow

Item Rank: 7 Rarity: Common
Damage based on Swiftness
Range: 4 (Projectile)

This wood still feels alive. There's old magic here, and a bit of menace too.

Mithril Recurve

Mithril Recurve

Item Rank: 9 Rarity: Common
Damage based on Swiftness
Range: 4 (Projectile)

I don't recognize this metal or this wood! Somehow it's generating extra force, more than I'm giving it when I draw it back. Incredible!


Crossbows are much like bows with 2 exceptions. They have a range of 3 and do not suffer from melee damage penalties.

Training Crossbow

Training Crossbow

Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
Damage based on Swiftness
Range: 3 (Projectile)

One of the final tasks of my apprenticeship was finding the materials for a crossbow and crafting it myself. It turned out... er... well, at least it works.

Wooden Crossbow

Wooden Crossbow

Item Rank: 3 Rarity: Common
Damage based on Swiftness
Range: 3 (Projectile)

When I was younger, I always had trouble setting the bolt on these things. Hard to believe how easy it is now.

Reinforced Crossbow

Reinforced Crossbow

Item Rank: 5 Rarity: Common
Damage based on Swiftness
Range: 3 (Projectile)

A fresh take on a classic design. So light and comfortable to hold, it's like it was made just for me.

Bezo's Crossbow

Bezo's Crossbow

Item Rank: 5 Rarity: Uncommon
Damage based on Swiftness
Range: 3 (Projectile)

5% chance to charm enemy on hit

Fires deadly bolts, even though its range is a bit limited. Preferred by bandits everywhere.

Iron Crossbow

Iron Crossbow

Item Rank: 7 Rarity: Common
Damage based on Swiftness
Range: 3 (Projectile)

A bit on the heavy side but it really packs a wallop!



Item Rank: 9 Rarity: Common
Damage based on Swiftness
Range: 3 (Projectile)

Hey, that's new. It can shine a light to help with aiming. Kinda feels like cheating, but the spiky plants out here can fire quills from 100 paces away so I'd say it evens out.


These weapons are not classified under the normal weapon categories and are instead considered special. There is no weapon mastery for special weapons.

Simple Sling

Simple Sling

Item Rank: 1 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 150 (Special)
Range: 3 (Projectile)

People chuckle when they see it, but I don't care. If I can put rocks in a monster's eye from a distance, I'm winning.



Item Rank: 4 Rarity: Common
WEAPON POWER: 215 (Special)
Range: 2

I need to practice a little, this is tricky but I can really do some damage with those spikes, and tripping things up is super useful.
